Welcome to Parkview Chapel

We are really pleased to welcome you to our website and thank you for taking the time to visit.

As a church we have a mission statement, which is;

‘To Love God, Love People and Make Disciples’.

This statement is key to what we desire to achieve at Parkview. While we recognise that we are all at different stages in life’s journey, our hope is that all who attend Parkview will grow to love God more and more, will grow to love those in our community more and more, and will want to show those people that they have a God that loves them and wants to have a relationship with them.

Parkview is not only a modern building, but also a Church that believes the need to be contemporary and relevant, so we can meet the needs of people in society today. We try and achieve this each Sunday morning in our services, where we hope people of all ages will find elements that inspire them to discover and develop a faith in a God who regards each person both uniquely special and equal through Him. We believe God made us to be in a relationship, firstly with Him, and secondly with each other.

  • Sunday Services

    Refreshments being served from 10:30

  • PYP

    Sunday Evenings @ 7:00 for Years 7-13, during term time

  • Life Groups

    Tuesdays 7:30pm, Wednesdays 10:00am, and Wednesday 7:30pm

  • Junior Friday Club

    6:00 to 7:00pm for Reception to Year 6, during term time

  • Senior Friday Club

    7:30 to 9:30pm for Years 6 to 11, during term time


Sunday Services this Month - October

6th October

Harvest Service
Emma Denton

13th October

Philippians - Jesus Our Joy
Mike Griffin


20th October

Philippians - Jesus Our Joy
Kev Gladwell

27th October

Philippians - Jesus Our Joy
Joe Kirk


Next Month - November

3rd November

Philippians - Jesus Our Joy
Steve Gillott

10th November

Philippians - Jesus Our Joy
Jonathan Moore-Crispin

17th November

Philippians - Jesus Our Joy
Kev Gladwell

24th November

Philippians - Jesus Our Joy
Andrew Kirk